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Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church
230 S. Columbus Avenue 
Mount Vernon, NY 10553

Elder Jenesse Johnson-Linton

Installation Service for Pastor Sturrup to Be Held on September 28th, 2024

MOUNT VERNON, NY— (September 26, 2024)—The Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church Board is pleased to announce that T. Basil Sturrup will be the new senior pastor. The Installation Service for Pastor Sturrup and his family will be held on Saturday, September 28th, 2024, at 11:00 A.M. Pastor Sturrup will succeed Dr. Nicardo Delahaye, who led Mount Vernon SDA church as the senior pastor for the past two years. Most recently, Pastor Sturrup served as the senior pastor of the Faith Seventh-day Adventist Church in Hartford, CT. 

“We are excited about the visionary and spiritual leadership of Pastor and Sis. Sturrup to the Mount Vernon Church family and community,” shared Dr. Eldeen C. King, President, Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. “We are anticipating a mighty moving of the Holy Spirit on the church and on the community. May the life and ministry of your first family be a transformative one to the church and community.”

Pastor T. Basil Sturrup is a visionary leader, provocative thinker, and innovative pastor. He is also an evangelist, prolific author, sought after preacher and motivational speaker. Well known for his seminars on Leadership, Vision Casting, Church Growth, and Biblical Preaching, Pastor Sturrup travels extensively to conduct workshops and specialized training for Seventh-day Adventist conferences, churches, and the corporate world.

He is a member of the John Maxwell Leadership Team, and Chairman of the T. Basil Sturrup Foundation, a nonprofit organization. Pastor Sturrup has developed two international leadership conferences namely, SOAR (Solutions to Obstacles Adventist Retreat) and ALERT (Advance Leadership, Evangelism and Retention Training). His mantra is “Starting Each Day with Hope,” and he finds joy in sharing his faith in God and doing whatever he can to add value to others.

“It is my great pleasure to follow God’s call to lead the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church,” said Pastor Sturrup. “Under God’s Guidance, I look forward to serving, collaborating and partnering with our members and the Mount Vernon community to share the love of Christ and win souls for God’s Kingdom!”

Pastor Sturrup is married to a Blessed woman of God. His wife Lavern is the Communications Director of the Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. They are the proud parents of Tarea and Brandon Sturrup. 

The Installation Service for Pastor T. Basil Sturrup, Senior Pastor of the Mount Vernon Seventh-day Adventist church will take place on Sabbath, September 28th, 2024, at the church located at 230 S. Columbus Avenue, Mount Vernon, NY 10553 starting at 11 A.M. For more information, please contact Elder Jenese Linton at, 914.664.8586 or visit