The Adventurer’s Dolfinos Club is a church-sponsored ministry for kids ages 3-9. Adventurers is where children get to know Jesus through activities that develop character and social skills and learn physical discipline. Activities included in the Adventurer Club are craft study, nature exploration, Bible study, witnessing projects, field trips, and many other interesting adventures.
Children’s Ministries is responsible for the spiritual development of children under the age of 11. With the assistance of dedicated staff, we seek to impart the knowledge of God and help children experience God’s love. These goals are accomplished through skillfully planned programs that include Sabbath School lesson study, Children’s Church, mission emphasis & community outreach.
“Building bridges of hope” is the mission statement of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Communication Department. We work toward this goal by reaching out to diverse church audiences — both internally and externally — through many avenues of communication. Creating informative and intuitive web sites, updating social media sites, and writing news stories and press releases are some of the ways we share our message. Through our work, we foster a clearer image of the church, its mission, activities and witness, so that many will become followers of Christ and members of His church.
Contact us at communications[at]
Community Services are the hands and feet of Jesus ministering to the needs of those who surround us. The purpose of this holistic ministry is not only to proclaim the Good News but to demonstrate the love of God to people who are in need.
Contact us at community[at]
The role of the deacon of the church is to assist the church in any way possible. The deacon or deaconess, like the elder, is an elected and ordained role. The primary roles are the assistance in running of services, the visitation of members, the care of the sick and the maintenance of church property. The deacons are also intimately involved in:
- Evangelism
- Ministry
- Healing
- Praying for the Sick
- Assisting the Poor and the Needy
- Meaningful Community Impact
- Men’s Ministries
- And much more!
The over-arching objective of Family Ministries is to strengthen the family as a discipling center. The family was established by divine creation as the fundamental human institution. It is the primary setting in which values are learned and the capacity for close relationships with God and with other human beings is developed.
Family Ministries is a ministry of grace which acknowledges as normative the biblical teachings relating to the family and holds high God’s ideals for family living. At the same time, it brings an understanding of the brokenness experienced by individuals and families in a fallen world. Thus Family Ministries seeks to enable families to stretch toward divine ideals, while at the same time ever extending the good news of God’s saving grace and the promise of growth possible through the indwelling Spirit.
The Health Ministries Department of the Mt. Vernon Seventh day Adventist church seeks to enhance the kingdom of God by promoting the principles of health as taught in the Bible and the inspired writings of the spirit of prophecy. We remind our church members and community that their bodies are a gift from God and a temple in which he dwells. We should therefore do all we can to glorify God by doing our best to live in optimum health in all aspects of their lives which includes our physical, spiritual, social, emotional and intellectual health.
- Tabernacle Choir
- Voice of Youth Singers
- Voice of Praise Singers
- Ladies Chorale
- Men’s Ensemble
- New Creation
- MV Praise
- MV Band
- MV Praise Dance Ministry
And various vocalists and musicians dedicated to utilize their talents for the glory and honor of God.
Contact us at music[at]

Mission: To train and develop young people in service to God and man.
Philosophy: To provide each Pathfinder with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that will make them optimally rounded or holistically prepared for life and eternity.
Activities: Pathfinders participate in various domestic, physical, educational, and social activities. These activities include studying scriptures, camping, drilling/marching, participating in church and community acitivies on a regular basis. These activities emphasize overall discipline that will assist them in becoming productive and valuable members of society.
It must be noted that the Pathfinders participate in local as well as national competitions which will foster a true spirit of sportsmanship and meaningful interaction with their peers as well as other members of society.
The Personal Ministries Department provides resources and trains church members to unite their efforts with the ministry and church officers in the final proclamation of the gospel of salvation in Christ. The aim of the department is to enlist every member in active soul-winning service for God.
Personal Ministries Leader
We cherish prayer and know that “apart from him, we can do nothing.” Our desire is to be a praying church, not just a church that prays. In other words, we want prayer to be integral to the very fabric of our identity. We want to pray at all times, not just when things go wrong.
Religious liberty entails freedom of conscience: to worship or not to worship; to profess, practice and promulgate religious beliefs or to change them. In exercising these rights, however, one must respect the equivalent rights of all others.
The Religious liberty Department of our church supports the initiatives and efforts of the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department (PARL), an auxiliary of the General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists. PARL represents the world headquarters of the Church on government issues, has an office at the United Nations, and hosts many diplomatic meetings to reinforce relations between the Church and different countries. PARL advances the principle of religious freedom for every individual.
The goals of the Mount Vernon Seventh-Day Adventist Church Religious Liberty Department are:
1) Increase subscriptions to Liberty magazine. This includes subscriptions to members and sponsorship of subscriptions to local government officials, learning institutions, businesses, judges, attorneys, and churches. This is our primary means of spreading the principles of religious liberty in our community; especially to those who are in positions to defend and influence legislation that favor religious liberty.
2) Keep the church membership informed of happenings pertaining to religious liberty that occur locally, nationally, and internationally.
3) Rally members to support or oppose legislation that impact religious liberty through letters to congress and other forms of lobbying.
4) Provide advisory assistance to members who are having difficulty with employers because of their religious beliefs and observances.
“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people… They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty”. Thomas Jefferson “We are not doing the will of God if we sit in quietude, doing nothing to preserve liberty of conscience. Fervent, effectual prayer should be ascending to heaven that this calamity may be deferred until we can accomplish the work which has so long been neglected. Let there be most earnest prayer and then let us work in harmony with our prayers.”
The treasurer is called to do both an important task and sacred work. The treasurer can greatly encourage faithfulness in the returning of tithe and deepen the spirit of liberality on the part of the church members.
The church treasurer is the custodian of all church funds which are basically divided into:
- Conference/mission/field funds
- Local church funds
- Funds belonging to the auxiliary organizations of the local church
Contact us at treasury[at]
Women’s Ministries seeks to foster spiritual growth and renewal among women. We minister to a broad spectrum of women’s needs across the life span and find ways to build strong sister ties. Our goal is to educate, promote, evangelize God’s love and actively present unique experiences through programs, projects and events.
The key focus of the AYS Ministry (Adventist Youth Society) is the salvation of our youth through Jesus Christ. Our goal is to lead the youth to understand their individual worth while assisting in the discovery and development of their spiritual gifts and abilities. We seek to equip and empower the youth for a life of service to God through the church and the community. We are motivated to integrate our youth into all aspects of church life and leadership so they may be full participants in the programs of the church. We encourage the youth to participate and lead out in youth meetings, church-wide youth days, recreational outings, community outreach projects, musical programs, and other events.
Contact us at youthministries[at]